Failure is part of success
Failure is part of success
Failure is part of Success – This is what the top performers know
We commonly believe that success and failure are the opposite ends of a spectrum. We see failure as being the opposite to success, and therefore, we think that when we fail at one of our goals or don’t achieve something, or we simply hit an obstacle, then we’ve failed and what we were hoping to achieve just isn’t obtainable for us. Quite often we then lose confidence in our abilities, and give up. However, this way of thinking is incorrect. Failure isn’t the opposite of success, it is in fact part of success. In order to succeed at something, you must first fail at least a couple of times along the way to success. And it’s in the failures that growth happens, that’s where we learn, adjust, improve and then ultimately achieve. If we didn’t fail, we wouldn’t learn, and in turn wouldn’t improve. JK Rawling was rejected 12 times before she became published. Just think about how many attempts Edison took to create the light bulb. Failing, rejection, knock backs are all part of the journey to success.
“I’ve not failed. I’ve just found 10,00 ways that won’t work”. Thomas Edison
Top performers understand that failure is part of success. Fail often, fail fast.
Failing just means you’re one step closer to success.
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